Spring Security 6.1.2 requestMatchers error.
Upgrading our application to Spring 6 with Spring Security 6.1.2 and Tomcat 10.1 resulted in the following UnsupportedOperationException:
This class can be used in a test as demonstrated below.
3 minute read
Upgrading our application to Spring 6 with Spring Security 6.1.2 and Tomcat 10.1 resulted in the following UnsupportedOperationException:
1 minute read
OpenJDK has backported disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1 by default.
3 minute read
Configure NTP on a Raspberry PI with DHCP option 42 NTP Servers. DHCP allows to send a whole list of options along with the IP address for the Raspberry PI.
8 minute read
Exploring the configuration options of the Spring ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.