Spring Security 6.1.2 requestMatchers error.
Upgrading our application to Spring 6 with Spring Security 6.1.2 and Tomcat 10.1 resulted in the following UnsupportedOperationException:
Upgrading our application to Spring 6 with Spring Security 6.1.2 and Tomcat 10.1 resulted in the following UnsupportedOperationException:
OpenJDK has backported disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1 by default.
Configure NTP on a Raspberry PI with DHCP option 42 NTP Servers. DHCP allows to send a whole list of options along with the IP address for the Raspberry PI.
Exploring the configuration options of the Spring ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
Revocation checking is disabled by default in Java but it can be enabled by setting the correct properties.